Saturday, September 14, 2013

Week 1 (FYP2) : PIR motion sensor

Recalling back to FYP1 presentation, which i did post here, i did come up with a motion detector circuit, but unfortunately, the circuit could not working. After few times to get the circuit working, i decided to change the motion detector circuit, from active to passive motion detector circuit.

I managed to do the simulation for the motion detector circuit using PROTEUS simulation software, but there is no PIR sensor module in the simulation library. My solution for the problem is, since a PIR sensor module will be put out  around 3.3V, i just use a DC voltage supply to replace PIR sensor module, in the simulation.

If the DC voltage source set to 0V, the LED will not switch ON. this is because in this state, there is no motion detected by the PIR sensor.

If the DC voltage source set to 3.3V, which is the output voltage from the PIR sensor, if it detect motion, the LED will be switch ON. 

1 comment:

  1. check this PIR Sensor Library for Proteus. You can download it from this link
