Friday, September 27, 2013

Week 3 (FYP2) : Simulation of the Motion Detector and LDR Circuit.

This week, i have combined the LDR circuit and motion detector circuit. A 5V relay was used to combine both circuits.

Picture above showing LDR circuit in OFF mode, because the higher lux of the surrounding. This resulting the relay not pull and motion detector circuit also in OFF mode (shown by the LED), even there is a motion detected.  DC voltage generator was used, to assimilate the PIR sensor output voltage, because there is no PIR sensor in the Proteus component library. in practical, if the PIR sensor detect a motion, it will produce 3.3V as output voltage. 

Picture above shown both circuits in ON mode. LDR circuit was activated, because of low lux of the surrounding area, thus pull the relay, connecting the motion detector circuit with the DC voltage source. When the relay is pulled, motion detector circuit become complete and power up the LED light. 

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